Center for Post Graduate Studies aims at preparing the appropriate ground for quality postgraduate research – oriented academic programs at the 17Թ. As such, the center for Postgraduate Studies has overall responsibility for facilitating and assisting University students who are aiming to pursue their higher and further degrees at postgraduate level. The center also is responsible of maintaining the postgraduate students` records which will lead them to a research qualification. The center will also organize intellectual seminars, forums, events other activities enhancing them to build their intellectual capacity. The center will involve with professional development of researchers, students and staff.
Message From the Dean
On behalf of the staff of CPS and on my own behalf I extend my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the Chancellor, the entire academic and administrative staff of the university. And also may I humbly welcome all the postgraduate students who have selected this university to pursue and broaden their knowledge and education.
The Centre for Postgraduate Studies at IUM:
- Based on 17Թ values with a curriculum formulated its entire postgraduate academic programs in accordance with the Maldives National Qualifications Framework.
- Strives to achieve international qualities in providing education and training.
- Aims at awarding high level degrees and producing highly qualified and productive grandaunts skillfully engaged in the developments of the Nation.
- Will give individual attention to each and every student who enrolls into any academic program supervised by the center while providing guidance in order to achieve high goals of this world and hereafter.
We at IUM invite all our beloved students to
- Seek knowledge and get practical training and experience
- Enhance their self-development in a student friendly environment
- Acquire practical experience and educational skills required for their future
Producing highly qualified professionals who can be able to participate actively in national and international productive fields and creating an innovative and creative intellectual environment and developing culture of research and learning among students and academic staff.
- Developing the center to be the most significant academic center among the educational institutes of the country.
- Promoting the culture of research and innovative desires among postgraduate students.
- Introducing postgraduate programs useful for the nation and 17Թ Ummah.
Stimulating the academic and research activities among various academic and educational institutes. - Disseminating knowledge among the members of Maldivian society in order to create a highly knowledgeable society.
The Centre of Postgraduate Studies will carry out its mission by
- Creating an intellectual environment
- Maintaining the international quality of education while conducting postgraduate programs
- Encouraging various kulliyahs and centers of the university to introduce new postgraduate programs
- Educating a productive and useful generation of youth who will be able to serve their country and 17Թ Ummah at large.
- Exchanging and sharing educational and intellectual views and thoughts among stake holders.
CPS Activities
ޑީން ގެ ބަސް
ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ އިސްލާމީ ޔުނިވަރސިޓީގެ ޗާންސްލަރަށާއި، ވައިސް ޗާންސްލަރ އަށް އަދި ހުރިހާ ޑިޕިއުޓީވައިސް ޗާންސްލަރުންނަށާއި، އެކަޑަމިކް ހުރިހާ މުވައްޒަފުންނަށް، އަދި އިދާރީ ހުރިހާ މުވައްޒަފުންނަށް ސީ.ޕީ.އެސް ގެ ނަމުގައި އާއި އަޅުގަނޑުގެ އަމިއްލަ ނަމުގައި ވަރަށް އިޚްލާސްތެރިކަމާއެކު ހެޔޮއެދުމާއި ތަހުނިޔާ ދަންނަވަމެވެ.ހަމައެފަދައިން ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ އިސްލާމީ ޔުނިވަރސިޓީގެ ޕޯސްޓްގްރަޖުއޭޓް މަރުޙަލާގައި ތަޢުލީމު ޙާސިލްކުރައްވަމުން ގެންދަވާ ހުރިހާ ދަރިވަރުންނަށް މަތީ ތަޢުލީމު ޙާސިލު ކުރައްވަމުން ގެންދަވާ ހުރިހާ ދަރިވަރުންނަށް މަތީ ތަޢުލީމު ޙާސިލު ކުރެއްވުމަށް ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ އިސްލާމީ ޔުނިވަރސިޓީ އިޚްތިޔާރު ކުރެއްވީތީ ހުރިހާ ދަރިވަރުންނަށްވެސް ވަރަށް ހޫނު މަރުޙަބާއެއް ދަންނަވަމެވެ.
- އިސްލާމީ ގިއުގަޑުގެތެރޭގައި ޒަމާނީކުރެވިފައިވާ ޢިލްމީ މަންހަޖަކަށް ދަރިވަރުން އަހުލުވެރިކުރުވުން
- ޢިލްމީ ދިރާސާތައް ޕޯސްޓްގްރެޖުއޭޓް ދަރިވަރުންލައްވައިކުރުވުން
- ވަޒީފާ ތަކަށް އަހުލުވެރިކުރުވުން
- ޓެކްނޮލޮޖީގެ މައިދާނުގައި ހުނަރުވެރި މީހުން ބިނާކުރުން
- ޢިލްމާއި މަޢުރިފާގެ އިޤްތިޞާދެއް ބިނާކުރުން
- ދަރިވަރުންގެ ތެރޭގައި ދިރާސާކުރުމުގެ ޝައުޤު އުފެއްދުން
- ތަޢުލީމީ މަރުކަޒުތަކާއެކު އެއްބާރުލުން އުފެއްދުމަށް މަސައްކަތްކުރުން
- ދިވެހި މުޖުތަމަޢުގައި ޢިލްމާއި މަޢުލޫމާތުފެތުރުން
ސެންޓަރުގެ މަޤުޞަދުތައް ޙާޞިލުކުރުމަށްޓަކައި މަސައްކަތް ކުރަނީ
- ޢިލްމުވެރިވުމުގެ ރޫޙު އުފެދިފައިވާ ވެއްޓެއް އުފެއްދުމަށް
- މަތީފެންވަރުގެ ކޯސްތައް ހިންގުމުގައި ބައިނަލްއަޤްވާމީ ފެންވަރު ހިފެހެއްޓުމަށް
- ޔުނިވަރސިޓީގެ ތަފާތު ކުއްލިއްޔާތަކާއި ސެންޓަރުތަކުގައި މަތީފެންވަރުގެ ކޯސްތައް ތަޢާރަފުކުރުމުގެ ރޫޙު އުފެއްދުން
- ދިވެހިޤައުމަށާއި އިސްލާމީ އުންމަތަށް ބޭނުންތެރި މުސްލިމު ޖީލެއް ބިނާކުރުމަށް
- ޢިލްމާއި މަޢުލޫމާތު ޙިއްޞާކުރުމާއި ބަދަލުކުރުމަށް