Session: Morning, Evening

ސެޝަން: ހެނދުނު، ހަވީރު

Medium of Instruction: Dhivehi

ކިޔަވައިދޭ ބަސް: ދިވެހި

Course Duration: 3 Years

ކޯހުގެ މުއްދަތު: 3 އަހަރު

MNQF Level: 7

އެމްއެންކިއުއެފް ލެވެލް: 7

Course Fee: MVR 25900.00

ކޯހުގެ ފީ: MVR 25900.00

Kulliyah / Centre: Kulliyyah of Education

ކުއްލިއާ / ސެންޓަރ: ކުއްލިއްޔާ އޮފް އެޑިއުކޭޝަން

Available Campuses:

ކިޔަވައިދޭ ކެމްޕަސްތައް:

މާލެ ކެމްޕަސް

2 passes with E grade or above in GCE A level or C grade or above in HSC
MNQF level 4 qualification in a related field.
20 years old, completion of secondary school, 2 years of relevant work experience, and successful completion of an MQA approved University Preparation Programme.


Semester /course/32/1

  1. EDU0702 - Educational Psychology
  2. EDU070/course/32/1 - Curriculum, Pedagogy and Practice
  3. QUR0505 - Holy Quran Memorization 6
  4. QUR0509 - Arts of the Quran Recitation 4
  5. QUR0506 - Holy Quran Recitation 6
  6. QUR05/course/32/10 - Rules of Quran Recitation 6
  7. EDU0705 - Educational Assessment and Evaluation  

Semester 2

  1. ARB000/course/32/1 - Arabic Language Level /course/32/1 (MNQF Level 5-7)
  2. EDU0703 - ICT in Education 
  3. EDU0704 - Professional Experience /course/32/1
  4. QUR0507 - Holy Quran Memorization 7 
  5. QUR05/course/32/1/course/32/1 - Arts of the Quran Recitation 5
  6. QUR0508 - Holy Quran Recitation 7 
  7. QUR05/course/32/12 - Rules of Quran Recitation 7
  8. COR070/course/32/1 - Values and Ethics for a Practical Life

Semester 3

  1. COR0702 - Critical Thinking and its Methodology 
  2. QUR0734 - Sciences of Quran
  3. QUR060/course/32/1 - Holy Quran Memorization 8
  4. QUR0605 - Arts of the Quran Recitation 6
  5. QUR0602 - Holy Quran Recitation 8
  6. QUR0606 - Rules of Quran Recitation 8
  7. RES070/course/32/1 - Action Research and Reflective Practice 

Semester 4

  1. ARB0002 - Arabic Language Level 2 (MNQF Level 5-7)
  2. COR0703 - 17Թ View of Knowledge and Civilization
  3. EDU0707 - Sociology of Education
  4. QUR0603 - Holy Quran Memorization 9 
  5. QUR0607 - Arts of the Quran Recitation 7
  6. QUR0604 - Holy Quran Recitation 9
  7. QUR0608 - Rules of Quran Recitation 9
  8. QUR0738 - Analytical Quranic Exegesis  

Semester 5

  1. COR0704 - Maldivian History and Civilization
  2. ARB0003 - Arabic Language Level 3 (MNQF Level 5-7)
  3. QUR074/course/32/1 - Holy Quran Recitation /course/32/10
  4. QUR0743 - Holy Quran Memorization /course/32/10
  5. QUR073/course/32/1 - Principles of Approach to Interpretation
  6. EDU0706 - Inclusive Education

Semester 6

  1. ARB0004 - Arabic Language Level 4 (MNQF Level 5-7)
  2. EDU0708 - School Leadership
  3. EDU0709 - Professional Experience 2
  4. QUR0742 - Holy Quran Recitation /course/32/1/course/32/1
  5. QUR0744 - Holy Quran Memorization /course/32/1/course/32/1
  6. SUN070/course/32/1 - Biography of The Prophet and Caliphs